Key Challenges in Backend Architectural Design
backend, architechure
20-12-2024In this article, I dive into the key challenges of backend architectural design, including complexity, adaptability, security, and stakeholder alignment. Gain insights into how these challenges impact system design and how to approach them in your own projects.
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27-11-2024Having issues with React UI updates? This article explains how lifting state to a shared parent component can fix inconsistent UI and synchronize state
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11-03-2024In this article, I am going to share a revised version of what memo and useMemo do. I will answer the question: should you wrap every prop with memo and useMemo? I will discuss when to use and when not to use memo and useMemo, and how to optimize with memo and useMemo
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12-02-2024In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a Newsletter on your Next Js, TypeScript blog with Mailchimp.
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29-01-2024This article will focus on building the frontend portion of a Todo App using TypeScript and Fetch API. It's perfect for anyone interested in performing CRUD operations using TypeScript and Fetch API
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Read MoreSetup HTML Templates and Static Assets in Golang
29-12-2023This guide focuses on generating HTML templates, serving static CSS and Javascript files in Go, setting up the Fronted app and connecting it to the backend. We are using Go to create a simple web server service that will serve HTML, CSS and JavaScript files when you navigate to a localhost address.
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15-12-2023Learn how to build a Todo app backend with Golang. You will learn how to build CRUD REST API endpoints, connect to a MongoDB database with Docker, create a server, shut down the server gracefully and more; It is beginner-friendly.
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23-01-2023I share the difference between an array and a list in c sharp(C#). How to instantiate an array and a list, and when to use an Array vs a List.
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09-06-2022In this article, I share how to sort your blog posts by the most recent date
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08-04-2022I share git commands I find myself using most often in my day-to-day job as a Software Developer
Read MoreHow to solve Jest storybook test error “cannot find interopRequireDefault.js”
Storybook, Jest
22-02-2022In this article, I am going to highlight how I got this storybook jest snapshot test error "cannot find @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js" and what I did to fix this jest snapshot test error
Read MoreThe Complete Guide to Building React Forms with useState Hook
Reactforms, ReactHooks
27-09-2021This tutorial teaches how to build forms in react with uesState hook, how to pass the data as props to another react component and have it rendered to the browser
Read More4 New ES2021(ES12) Features JavaScript Developers Need to Know
JavaScript, ES2021
13-06-2021These new Javascript features have reached final stage of the Ecmascript proposal and are included in the latest draft. It will be published between June 2021 and Jul 2021.
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30-03-2021In this article, I will be sharing 6 different javascript methods you can use to check if an object is empty or not
Read MoreHow to Build Forms with Multiple Input Fields using React Hooks
22-11-2020In this article, I will show you how to use React Hook to build forms with multiple input fields.
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Kelechi Ogbonna
Software Engineer
Hey there! I'm Kelechi Ogbonna, a full-stack engineer with extensive experience in React JS, Typescript, Express/Node JS, Golang, and PostgreSQL.
I am passionate about sharing my knowledge through my writing. Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in collaborating together.

Kelechi Ogbonna
Software Engineer